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Tibbs, you can either keep my little shop or tear it down, don't really care either way.
over 12 years ago
Well, quite frankly, it seems like every time I express an opinion about anything someone instantly screams 'disrespect' or some such. I'm not making anyone listen to me. There's a local mute button on mumble and /ignore in game if you don't like what I have to say. It shows a severe lack of maturity on certain people's parts that they can't handle any opinions that aren't in line with theirs. Yes, I could go fill out an official report every time staff does something irritating, but I don't think every little thing is worth doing such for. I didn't join minetown to write reports. Not to mention the underlying issue here of many staff having a "We're always right, if you disagree you're wrong and if you say you disagree we'll kick/mute/ban you." attitude. You're not always right, you're not infallible, and you shouldn't be shocked when one of you constantly spams nonsense in mumble that people have a negative opinion of him. I apprehend why I'm in trouble, I just think it's both unjust and not in line with posted policy. I don't have remorse for my actions because I have not done anything morally wrong. I have not and will not apologize for speaking my mind about someone whose behavior is often worse then my own. If you can't handle that, ban me. I won't change who I am and what I believe in to be a member of your little club.
over 12 years ago
Username: Deimosian When you were banned : 8/9/2012 Person who banned you: Modern Dragoness / Jallaf Reason you were banned: Apparently, from what I could gather after the fact, for "being disrespectful to staff" by having an opinion on whether or not someone who constantly trolls, yells incoherently into their mic, opens their mic to slurp soda loudly, goes on about racist nonsense, etc, should be a staff member or not. Oh and I apparently may have called him "gay". Now, I'm not sure if this falls under the pot calling the kettle black or a case someone who can dish it out but not take it... but either way, the simple fact that I have a negative opinion about someone does not, in my mind, justify banning me from mumble. If you banned everyone who ever expressed a negative opinion about someone on mumble, there'd never be anyone online. Edit: I should also mention that Modern came into the channel with some of us, confronted me about Jallaf, I explained all this, she said ok and went away... then banned me 15-20 minutes later, while I was talking to Danny and others in Danny's channel, after she disappeared back into the admins channel, with jallaf.
over 12 years ago
Expanding the map to generate emerald ore would be another huge mistake. Sell them for credits and only enable the emerald -> stuff trades, not the stuff -> emerald trades. Bam! Awesome credit sink of awesomeness.
over 12 years ago
Well, it's see here... Yes, you haven't gone the intelligent route of using the new shiny tool mojang has handed you which could hammer your horribly screwed up economy back into shape with. Which multiple people have told you, in detail, how to do it. So, yes, you're dumb if you don't use it. And yes, I will play elsewhere. And yes, I will occasionally show up and laugh at how screwed up it is because of past mistakes' long term consequences.
over 12 years ago